Tag Archives: drought

Preparing Your Garden to deal with Drought bought to you by Groundswell in partnership with Wildsight Invermere

Drought workshop
Worried about your garden this year? Wanting to reduce your water consumption but harvest more food?
Part tour, part workshop, & part discussion… learn more about drought tolerant plants, enriching the soil without chemicals, reducing insect damage, capture water in new ways.
Facilitated by: Dale Wilker, Old Blue Truck Farm
Supported by: Kristin Whitlow, Wildsight Invermere
And what about those darn grasshoppers ?

Date: April 28, 1:00 to 2:30 PM
Location: Old Blue Truck Farm – Swansea Rd
Cost: Non-members $25 Groundswell & Invermere Wildsight Members $20