Tag Archives: greenhouse

Walk – Groundswell Community Greenhouse & Garden with Dale Wilker, the soil whisperer

Wings Over the Rockies Event
This Greenhouse Tour will provide you with fresh insight on the progress being made to use gardening as a profoundly important way to deal with CLIMATE CHANGE. You will see how Groundswell is harnessing nature to be green in new ways. Using permaculture methods to remove all chemical use (even organic) and reducing water usage, while increasing the hardiness of plants and the amount of produce.
You’ll enjoy the engineering of the greenhouse and the lushness of the garden. You will be refreshed with a glass of herb ice tea and tips on food as medicine.
Dale Wilker was one of the founding members of Groundswell Network Society and responsible for the state of the art greenhouse whose technology was well ahead of its time. His passion to grow food in a way that was healthy for people and healthy for the environment, has led a huge change through the valley.
Location: Invermere
Level: Easy
Date/Time:  Monday, May 6 , 2 to 3:30
Max: 20
Cost:  TBA
Things to bring: Dress in layers (if the sun is shining the greenhouse can be very warm, while the outside garden may be cool or rainy), water, snacks, hat, sunscreen, camera, note book and pen.   
Directions: 1535 14th St, Invermere, south side of David Thompson Secondary School

It’s a wrap

wrapChristmas Eve morning saw Groundswell volunteers wrapping poinsettias for delivery to senior’s homes and valley churches to add beauty to their holiday.

wrapThe David Thompson EI student’s sparkling stars on the hill have stopped shining as the garden prepares to go back to sleep until spring.

wrapMain Street Fun and Games was presented with The Favourite Tree Award by Edson Martins, Store Manager of Home Hardware. The Paul Mondragon tree sculpture will be as treasured as Main Street’s dragon that they decorated their tree with. Be sure to drop into their store for a close up look and a word of Congratulations.

Four Points Books was a close second with a classic blue and white theme pointing us in the direction of a better future by growing ourselves through our reading, and Mrs. Armitage’s JA Laird class was a big hit with Gramma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.

The trees were voted on by attendees over the 4 nights of Groundswell’s First Annual Garden of Lights.

wrapWhether adding their wish for 2024 on the Wishing Tree, warming by the fire with friends or indulging in Carole singing along with Bryant Oleander and the Valley Voices …community celebrated the blessings of this valley as they contributed to the growing movement for Food Sustainability with Groundswell Community Greenhouse and Gardens and all their partners. We are working together to ensure that everyone who lives here goes to bed with a full, well-nourished tummy.

wrapThe Grinch waves good bye as he retreats to his mountain top to plan his return to upset your holiday in 2024. Hi Jinx creative designer, Arly Franson, has already started to dream of sugarplums
Ring in your new year by contacting us as a potential sponsor or volunteer for next year and make this valley even brighter.

Visit us at Groundswell later in January. Watch with your very own eyes the miracle of crisp lettuce, healthy kale, and new tomatoes sprouting under the leadership and green thumb of Marion Andrus, Groundswell manager Stephanie Stevens, and all the volunteers of Groundswell. Check out groundswellnetwork.ca/events.

Thinking of building a Greenhouse

Thinking of building a Greenhouse – like to learn more of the pros and cons?!
From the school of hard knocks come the stories of those who have been enjoying more produce over a longer season – stories of gardeners who pulled a few windows together, to a semi permanent plastic tube, to a 3 season permanent structure, to a year round greenhouse – from electrical, to solar, to geothermal, to sun only – all the possibilities, all the decisions needed to match your needs, time and wallet.

Panelists – Deb Griffith (long time valley gardener), Jim Bennett (new greenhouse owner who discovered the value of focusing on foundation), Dale Wilker (growing naturally for profit), Sabrina Boileau (greenhouse expert, and new Home Hardware Greenhouse Supervisor).
They’ll cover the whole gambit. And answer your questions.
You’ll have time to discuss your own ideas and needs. You’ll get feedback from each other and the experts.
Hot cider and cookies and lots of conversation will help cement those dreams of more food for your table and more food to share.
Date: March 2, 2023
Time: 6:30 to 9:00 PM
Location: Home Hardware
Facilitator: Panel and Small Group Discussion **Demonstration of some greenhouse options
Cost: Members (Premium and Regular) – $20. Non-members – $30.

Home Hardware and Groundswell Community Gardens and Greenhouse
Partnered for Food Sustainability for the Valley.

Gardening Basics Workshop Series 2 – Starting Your Seeds- Hot Crops

Gardening Basics Workshop Series
Ensure Success
Get your hands dirty working in the greenhouse while you learn!
Opportunity for gardeners to be gentler on the earth while harvesting more nutritious food…
gardeningPart 2. Starting Your Seeds- Hot Crops

  • Planning your vegetable garden for maximum yield and efficiency.
  • Where to get seeds and what to note about their performance. This will cover GMO, Heritage, Organic, etc. Learn about types of seeds and how they will reward you.
  • Starting your Seeds a variety of ways for earlier harvest. This is hands on planting in the greenhouse and learning various ways to start seeds early if you don’t have a greenhouse.
  • Talking to your seeds and new plants, listening to your seeds and new plants – learning what they are telling you.

Date: March 7, 2023
Time: 6:00 to 8:30 PM
Location: Groundswell Community Greenhouse
Cost: Members (Regular and Premium) – $25.00 Non Members $30.00
What to bring: Your Garden Journal, your garden gloves, trowel, water bottle, seeds you already have that you want to learn more about. (loose or packages).

***NOTE: if you book all 4 programs in this series the total cost for members is $80.00, a savings of $20. Ticket available in part 1