Tag Archives: knowledge

Thinking of building a Greenhouse

Thinking of building a Greenhouse – like to learn more of the pros and cons?!
From the school of hard knocks come the stories of those who have been enjoying more produce over a longer season – stories of gardeners who pulled a few windows together, to a semi permanent plastic tube, to a 3 season permanent structure, to a year round greenhouse – from electrical, to solar, to geothermal, to sun only – all the possibilities, all the decisions needed to match your needs, time and wallet.

Panelists – Deb Griffith (long time valley gardener), Jim Bennett (new greenhouse owner who discovered the value of focusing on foundation), Dale Wilker (growing naturally for profit), Sabrina Boileau (greenhouse expert, and new Home Hardware Greenhouse Supervisor).
They’ll cover the whole gambit. And answer your questions.
You’ll have time to discuss your own ideas and needs. You’ll get feedback from each other and the experts.
Hot cider and cookies and lots of conversation will help cement those dreams of more food for your table and more food to share.
Date: March 2, 2023
Time: 6:30 to 9:00 PM
Location: Home Hardware
Facilitator: Panel and Small Group Discussion **Demonstration of some greenhouse options
Cost: Members (Premium and Regular) – $20. Non-members – $30.

Home Hardware and Groundswell Community Gardens and Greenhouse
Partnered for Food Sustainability for the Valley.

Thinking of building a Greenhouse

Thinking of building a Greenhouse – like to learn more of the pros and cons?!
From the school of hard knocks come the stories of those who have been enjoying more produce over a longer season – stories of gardeners who pulled a few windows together, to a semi permanent plastic tube, to a 3 season permanent structure, to a year round greenhouse – from electrical, to solar, to geothermal, to sun only – all the possibilities, all the decisions needed to match your needs, time and wallet.

Panelists – Deb Griffith (long time valley gardener), Jim Bennett (new greenhouse owner who discovered the value of focusing on foundation), Dale Wilker (growing naturally for profit), Sabrina Boileau (greenhouse expert, and new Home Hardware Greenhouse Supervisor).
They’ll cover the whole gambit. And answer your questions.
You’ll have time to discuss your own ideas and needs. You’ll get feedback from each other and the experts.
Hot cider and cookies and lots of conversation will help cement those dreams of more food for your table and more food to share.
Date: March 2, 2023
Time: 6:30 to 9:00 PM
Location: Home Hardware
Facilitator: Panel and Small Group Discussion **Demonstration of some greenhouse options
Cost: Members (Premium and Regular) – $20. Non-members – $30.

Home Hardware and Groundswell Community Gardens and Greenhouse
Partnered for Food Sustainability for the Valley.